The Township oversees issues related to fences, firepits, garage sales, vehicle storage and much more. For the most up-to-date information, please visit their website. A more granular view of the ordinances can be found on the Municode Website


The  following summaries are provided as a service to members of the Knob  Hill Home Owners Association, Inc. The Association and its Board of  Directors is not bound by these interpretations. Please refer to the  applicable By-Laws, Building and Use Restrictions and Protective  Covenants and/or Bloomfield Township Ordinance for the actual language  of the document. 


a Michigan Corporation (Adopted September 4, 1963)

An  annual meeting of the Association is to take place on the first Monday  in October at 8:00 pm. Written notice of the meeting, including  information about the time, place, location and purpose of the meeting,  is to be provided at least ten (10) days before the meeting. If the  annual meeting cannot be held on the first Monday of October, a special  meeting may be called for the same purpose as the annual meeting.

Association  members elect individuals to the Board. Each Board member must be a  member in good standing in the Association. At the conclusion of the  annual election the newly elected Board adjourns and elects its  officers.

The  Board is to manage the business, property and affairs of the  Association. It must meet at least every three months. There is no  requirement that members be given notice of board meetings.

Board  terms last for one (1) year. Three (3) directors must reside in Area 1  of the subdivision (the southern portion of the subdivision), two (2)  directors must come from Area 2 of the subdivision (the middle portions  of the subdivision) and two (2) directors must come from Area 3 of the  subdivision (the northern portion of the subdivision). Two (2)  additional directors-at-large may reside in any area of the subdivision.  The areas are identified on the map found in the subdivision phone  directory.

The  board of directors shall have full power and authority to assess  members whenever, in its discretion, the assessment is in the general  interests of the Association. Assessments may include the installation  of or repair and maintenance on, the improvements made or to be made at  the entrance ways or within the subdivision. Assessments may also be  made for enforcing the building and use restrictions. They shall be  collectible in advance and borne by all the lots equally.


The  covenants are designed to preserve the value of the property of Knob  Hill residents and to achieve a more attractive and pleasant area in  which to live.

  • No  building shall be located nearer than forty (40) feet from the front  lot line. Nor shall a building be erected on a corner lot with a side  setback of less than forty (40) feet.

  • Side setbacks shall be at least sixteen (16) feet.

  • Rear setbacks shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet.

  • No  noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any  lot; nor shall anything be done which may be or become an annoyance or  nuisance to the neighborhood.

  • All  plans for homes, garages and/or accessory buildings must be approved in  writing by the Association's Architectural Committee.


Litter Ordinance (Ord. No. 91)

No  person shall deposit rubbish, refuse, waste, garbage, offal, feces,  trash or other foreign substances of any kind any place except in proper  receptacles for collection of in official dumps. The ordinance includes  all property: personal, commercial and public. Violators are subject to  court action and fines.

Trash  is not to be placed at the curb until the morning of the scheduled day  of pick up and the empty containers are to be removed the same day.

Zoning Ordinance (Ord. No. 265)

 Accessory Structures (Sec. 1503)
A “structure” is defined as anything  constructed or erected, the use of which requires locations on the  ground or attachment to something having location on the ground.  Examples include garages, storage units, air-conditioning condensers,  satellite dish antennas, dog runs, radio transmitting towers and play  structures. Air conditioning condensers do not require Zoning Board  approval if they abut the rear of the house. The homeowner must obtain  approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals before a Township permit will  be issued.

Building codes require that detached buildings be located in a rear yard supported by concrete footings and slab.

Open Storage (Sec. 1508.3)

Recreational,  commercial or unlicensed vehicles, etc. and materials (tools,  equipment, trash, etc.) may not be left in public view. Special  variances require the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Fences (Sec. 1510)
All fences require a Township permit prior to installation. Fences must  be located in a side and/or rear yard and may not exceed four feet in  height. Corner lots are considered to have two front yards. All other  fence require approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Satellite Dishes (Sec. 1518)
The Township considers satellite dishes to be a special land use.  Installation of a dish requires approval by the Township Zoning Board of  Appeals. Specific restrictions are imposed on the size, materials to be  used and location of ground-mounted, roof-mounted and structure-mounted  dishes. Setback restrictions are to be honored and screening is to be  placed when installing a ground-mounted dish.

Building Permits (Sec. 1701)

Any  structural changes on property that cost $50 or more require a permit.  Building plans should be approved by the Knob Hill Home Owners  Association and then submitted to the Township for a permit. Structural  changes include new construction, alterations, additions and repairs.  This ordinance provides for inspections to protect against code  violations and poor workmanship.

Leaf Burning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 419)

No person, firm or corporation may burn leaves, brush, branches and/or twigs on any property in Bloomfield Township.

Violators  shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction may be fined up to  $500 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed  90 days, or by both such fines and imprisonment in the discretion of the  Court.

Dog Ordinance (Ordinance No. 423)

All owners must maintain “reasonable control” over their dogs. No dog shall be allowed to run at large off the owner’s property.

It  is unlawful for an owner to allow a dog to deposit fecal material any  place other than the property where the dog is kept, unless the fecal  material is immediately collected and removed to the premises where the  dog is kept.

No  one may own or keep any dog which by loud, frequent or habitual  barking, yelping or howling becomes a nuisance to occupants of other  property.

One  may not keep a “dangerous dog.” A “dangerous dog” has rabies or is  capable of inflicting death or serious injury on a person or domestic  animal.

“Invisible”  fencing for dogs may placed only in the rear yard, in an area set back  at least sixteen (16) feet from the side lot lines and twenty-five (25)  feet from the rear lot line. A permit must be obtained from the Township  before the fence may be installed.

No  person shall treat a dog in a cruel or inhumane manner or willfully or  negligently cause or permit a dog to suffer unnecessary pain or torture.

All  dogs six months or older must be licensed by Bloomfield Township. All  licensed dogs must wear a collar or harness, to which is attached the  Township’s metal license, at all times.

Open House Party Ordinance (Ord. No. 426)

No  one who is at least eighteen (18) years old and who has control of a  residence or premises shall allow a social gathering of persons if any  alcoholic beverage or drug (controlled substance) is possessed or  consumed by a minor where the adult knew or reasonably should have known  that any alcoholic beverage or drug was in the possession of or being  consumed by a minor and where the adult failed to take reasonable steps  to prevent the possession or consumption of the alcoholic beverage or  drug. The ordinance does not apply to legally protected religious  observances under the direct guidance of an ordained person.

Violators may be fined up to $500, plus costs.

Solicitation Ordinance (Ord. No. 427)

Solicitation  means the act of offering or attempting to offer wares, merchandise,  services, items of personal property, real property, either for  immediate or future delivery; or the act of seeking or attempting to  seek contributions either in money for services, for charitable or  commercial purposes.

All  solicitors must first obtain a license to solicit from the Bloomfield  Township Clerk. A license is not required for those engaged in the sale  or distribution of newspapers or those engaged in soliciting on foot  within one-half mile of their own residence.

Solicitations may take place between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm.

Prohibited  activities include fixed stands, solicitations that obstruct a street,  alley, sidewalk or driveway, curb service or entry on private property  expressly requesting no solicitation.

No  solicitor shall enter upon and/or call upon a residence or business  within Bloomfield Township after having been expressly notified that no  solicitation is desired. No solicitation may take place if a sign is  displayed indicating “no soliciting,” “no solicitation” and/or other  language specifically conveying the message that no soliciting is  desired.

A solicitor may not threaten or annoy a Township resident or engage in conduct which is, or would tend to create, a nuisance.

Violators shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished 
by a fine not more than $500.00 plus costs or by imprisonment for not  more than 90 days, or by both fine and costs and imprisonment in the  discretion of the Court.


Homeowner is required to separate recyclable from non-recyclable materials.

The following services are currently available to homeowners:

•    Weekly curbside collection of general refuse

•    Curbside  collection for commingled recyclables, such as newspapers, glass, cans  and selected plastics — with collection   on the same day as regular  refuse collection. Recycling containers are provided to each household

•    Seasonal collection of grass clippings, leaves and bundled brush

•    Christmas tree collection and chipping

•    Weekly collection of bulky items and appliances at no additional cost 
   Call in advance to make arrangements

•    Periodic collection and disposal of household hazardous waste at Township Hall